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Application & Selection Process

Each year in the Fall, the CWBA President-Elect selects a Nominating Committee whose responsibility it is to select the slate of Board members. Applications are accepted starting in November/December and are due in January. 

Applications for the 2025-26 board service year were due on January 21, 2025, and are now closed.

This year's Nominating Committee is being coordinated by 
CWBA President-Elect Alison Connaughty.  

The nominating committee includes the following members:

  • Judge Kathryn Starnella (chair)
  • Judge Jon Olafson
  • Judge Christine Washburn
  • Hetal Doshi
  • Leila Hock
  • Meagan Moodie

Board elections will take place at the 48th Annual Convention on Saturday, May 17, 2025, and Board and Leadership Advisory Council terms officially begin immediately upon election.

Click here to download the CWBA's Board Leadership and Committee Position Descriptions.

Click here to see the timeline associated with our board restructure process.

We encourage diverse candidates to apply. 
Please see the CWBA’s statement on 
Diversity & Inclusion


The 2025-2026 year of the Colorado Women’s Bar Association will debut a new leadership structure that is focused on growth, improvement, and efficiency. There are two categories of leadership under this new structure: Board Members, and Leadership Advisory Council Members. The structure creates new committees that sit within the Leadership Advisory Council that are streamlined to focus on the priorities of the organization. These new committees were created after input from the current board, a careful review process of the most valued offerings of the CWBA, and with the assistance of the American Bar Association’s consultants.

The structure also creates new Officer roles within the Board. All board member roles have delineated focuses to streamline operations and to grow the organization to be a better reflection of what the membership and community needs and values from the CWBA. In order to be chosen to serve on the Board as an Officer or member of the Executive Committee, applicants must have prior experience co-chairing a committee or serving on a prior board in some capacity. Applicants for the Leadership Advisory Council do not need prior experience co-chairing a committee or serving on a prior board in some capacity.

The CWBA Board will continue to meet monthly throughout the year. The Leadership Advisory Council will meet three times with CWBA leadership throughout the board year, in addition to leading committee meetings and coordinating with fellow Leadership Advisory Council members and Board members as needed.

This is a year of change. We are looking for members with vision who are excited to help the CWBA navigate and finetune this new structure.


Watch the video replay! You'll hear updates about our new board structure for 2025-26, strategic initiatives for our future, and a preview of what's in store for members in the coming year.

How does one become part of the CWBA’s Board of Directors? 

The Nominating Committee evaluates the applications received to determine interest in the various available positions and evaluates the qualifications of each candidate. At its discretion, the Nominating Committee may conduct interviews, either by phone/online or in person, with interested candidates.

Those who express interest in the President-Elect , Vice-President, and Officers of Inclusive Programming positions will be interviewed by the Nominating Committee. Interviews are currently being planned to occur in late January or early February 2025.

Several Board positions are appointed by partner organizations, and candidates may wish to approach those groups to indicate interest in being appointed.  

Click here to download the CWBA's Board Leadership and Committee Position Descriptions.

What is the Nominating Committee?

Pursuant to the newly revised CWBA BylawsSection 5.1 Nominations:

(a) At least three (3) months prior to the Annual Business Meeting, the President-Elect shall select a Nominating Committee consisting of at least three (3) Voting Members. The roster of the Nominating Committee shall be presented to the Board for its approval.

  • Voting members include those who have paid their membership dues for the current fiscal year, and who meet the requirements of the following class descriptions: Attorney Members and Law Student Members. 
  • Non-voting members who are ineligible to hold office on the Board include the following: Allied Legal Professional Members, LLP Members, and Other Student Members (including Paralegal Students.)

(b) Once approved by the Board, the Nominating Committee shall review the qualifications of those Voting Members who are willing to serve in an official capacity and shall present a slate of candidates to the Board of Directors at least one month prior to the Convention. No member of the Nominating Committee shall be placed on the slate of candidates.

(c) Additional nominations may be taken from the floor at the Annual Business Meeting, and the candidates may present information on their own behalf.

The following additional guidelines help form the Nominating Committee: (1) the Immediate Past President or other current officers are allowed to serve on the Nominating Committee if those persons will not serve on the Board the following year; (2) at least one of the voting members of the Nominating Committee should have expertise in diversity and inclusion, which may be evidenced by involvement with the CWBA’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee or past leadership experience with another Diversity Bar Association; and (3) at least one of the members of the Nominating Committee should have previously served on the CWBA Executive Committee.

What is required for CWBA Board service?

You, or the person you nominate, must be willing to attend Board meetings, lead monthly committee meetings if applicable, and attend various events and programs in support of the organization, the broader legal community, and fellow Board members throughout the year.  As with any Board, there is a time and financial commitment required. Our attendance policy allows for no more than three missed meetings. Please reach out to any current Board member or to our Executive Director Kim Sporrer with specific questions. 

What Board positions does the Nominating Committee appoint? 

  • President-Elect & Leadership Advisory Council Chair * (The Nominating Committee will interview candidates who are nominated or indicate interest in this position on their Applications.)
  • Vice President* (The Nominating Committee will interview candidates who are nominated or indicate interest in this position on their Applications.)
  • Treasurer*
  • Officers of Inclusive Programming* (The Nominating Committee will interview candidates who are nominated or indicate interest in this position on their Applications.)
  • Officer of Partnership and Development
  • Officer of Community Action and Advocacy
  • Officer of Communications
  • Officer of Professional Development
  • Officer of Technology and Processes
  • Annual Convention Committee Co-Chairs
  • Bench Builders Judicial Committee Co-Chairs
  • MembHERship and Mentorship Committee Co-Chairs 
  • EmpowHERment and PublisHERs Committee Co-Chairs
  • Inclusive Education and Training Committee Co-Chairs
  • Legislation and Lobbying Committee Co-Chairs
* Denotes Executive Committee positions

What Board positions are appointed by someone other than the Nominating Committee?

  • Asian-Pacific American Bar Association of Colorado Liaison
  • Colorado Bar Association Board of Governors Representative
  • Colorado Disability Bar Association Liaison
  • Colorado Hispanic Bar Association Liaison
  • Colorado LGBT Bar Association Liaison
  • Sam Cary Bar Association Liaison
  • South Asian Bar Association of Colorado Liaison
  • Chapter Liaison (Boulder, El Paso, Larimer, Mountain, Pueblo, Southwest, Weld)
  • Law Schools' Liaisons (CU and DU Student Organizations)

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD the CWBA's Committee and Leadership Position Descriptions.


“Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations.”


Colorado Women's Bar Association

P.O. Box 1918

Denver, CO 80201

Telephone: (303) 831-1040


 SPRING 2024


The Colorado Women's Bar Association is not a law firm and nothing on this site constitutes legal advice. 

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