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Updated and approved by the CWBA Board: February 17, 2021
Next Update Due: November 2023 following the 2023 member survey

Click here to read and download the full plan.


The CWBA grows and engages its membership statewide by adding value for, and diversity among, its members.

  • OBJ 1: Conduct a member survey and focus groups
  • OBJ 2: Review membership data from 2017 to present to set new targets for Nov. 2021 strategic plan revision
  • OBJ 3: Conduct campaign to encourage members to update demographic information.
  • OBJ 4: Review dues structure
  • OBJ 5: Review and improve structures to inclusively welcome and engage new members.
  • OBJ 6: Review data from survey, focus groups, and database regarding the groups listed in OBJ 1 and strategically plan to create programming meeting their needs.


The CWBA consistently provides innovative, accessible, and high quality programs that enrich all its members as leaders in the law.

  • OBJ 1: Explore and make recommendations on alternate structures for charging for programs and events, including virtual events.
  • OBJ 2: Implement plan to market Convention as a retreat opportunity to large groups and entities
    • OBJ 3: Institute standardized post-event reports by staff to EC/Board after events. Use event reports for new EC to review the prior year's events in June and assess which to retain, improve, or end in coming year. 
    • OBJ 4: Ensure that for each event, planning forms are utilized and completed in advance. Modify forms to reflect accessibility including geographic accessibility and to work for remote events. 


    The CWBA strategically, efficiently, and responsibly manages its human capital and financial resources to accomplish its goals and safeguard stability and longevity.

    • OBJ 1: Adopt an internal shared calendar with operational and staff deadlines, events, upcoming key document reviews, etc. 
    • OBJ 2: Adopt a series of numbered Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
    • OBJ 3: Audit our accounting, financial soundness, and financial practices.
    • OBJ 4: Develop a written sponsor development plan.
    • OBJ 5: Review Employee Handbook


    The CWBA develops and supports women leaders within the organization, the profession, and the community.

    • OBJ 1: Further improve events and communications to our full membership on the "path to leadership" within CWBA, including directly addressing imposter syndrome, including Women of Color specifically, and encouraging self nominations.
    • OBJ 2: Survey Board and active committee members anonymously on their path to Board service and their experience on the Board, including with other CWBA leaders, near end of year, and discuss results within EC to identify opportunities for better and more inclusive pipeline-building.
    • OBJ 3: Improve Board meeting materials and Board communications to incorporate additional reminders to continually put important documents and templates in Committee Knowledge Transfer Dropboxes. 
    • OBJ 4: In first Board meeting, focus on training co-chairs on recruiting and engaging membership and present a "best practices" tip sheet.
    • OBJ 5: Explore provision of recurring mini skills trainings for members, similar to those provided in 2020-21 Board meetings. 


    The CWBA uses its platform effectively to keep members informed and engaged about our work, our community, and each other.

    • OBJ 1: Review website design, structure, and content, and reassess processes and responsibility for content generation.
    • OBJ 2: Complete history timeline project.
    • OBJ 3: Retain a consultant to conduct a communications audit in conjunction with ED, to assess effectiveness, method, volume, and frequency of communications and increasing viewership and engagement. 
    • OBJ 4: Refresh branding and graphic designs of logo, blog, etc.
    • OBJ 5: Create a digital archive of images and documents relevant to the history of CWBA and its members. Solicit items and make them accessible through website and/or blog and searchable/shareable.
    • OBJ 6: Increase inclusion of student and chapter members in communications, including by seeking blog posts from student and chapter members and sending occasional marketing emails targeted to student or chapter members.


    The CWBA is a champion of diversity, equity, and meaningful inclusion in promoting women as leaders in the law.

    • OBJ 1: Propose and adopt policies regarding: member conduct/harassment; ensuring diversity of speakers, Board, EC, staff, blog contributors and subjects, etc.; accessibility and inclusion concerns in planning events; a diverse vendors/venues list; a cultural competence calendar for Board members to reference. 
    • OBJ 2: Set budget for DEI Committee to host or assist other committees in developing events that are more inclusive or cost-accessible or DEI-focused.
    • OBJ 3: Assess feasibility and best method for CWBA to participate in pipeline initiatives in schools, including identifying existing programs and community partners and CWBA committee to hose resultant program.
    • OBJ 4: Conduct listening tour to sister diversity bars and chapters.
    • OBJ 5: Build Inclusion Officer (IO) role on Board created as of Y1, including bylaws revision with role description included, communications plan between IO and DEI Committee, and division of external liaison responsibilities including to CBA Presidents' Diversity Council. 
    • OBJ 6: Implement internal DEI assessment mechanism for individual CWBA committees and include a checklist reflecting assessment factors in Board Report template. Work with each committee regarding each committee's own DEI status, goals, and growth areas.


    The CWBA is a leader in formulating and advancing public policies consistent with its mission.

    • OBJ 1: Continue to formalize independent subcommittees by encouraging own recurring calls or meetings.
    • OBJ 2: Conduct periodic social events (2x/year) to foster committee involvement and boost morale.
    • OBJ 3: Train committee and Board on existing Public Policy procedure document.
    • OBJ 4: As part of member survey (Membership OBJ 1), poll membership on policy priorities.
    • OBJ 5: Build our Amicus Committee to include proactive outreach to members and partners regarding the process to request amicus support and to include a larger and more diverse bench of potential authors.
    • OBJ 6: Reach out to lobbyists about having planned meetings with like-minded non-legal organizations (i.e., women's rights groups, reproductive rights groups, and Women of Color groups) each summer.
    • OBJ 7: Add Committee co-chairs to emails lists for agencies that rulemake in areas affecting women, including CDLE, CCRD, and others. 


    The CWBA works to increase access to justice, representation, and equity in all areas of the legal system, including the judiciary.

    • OBJ 1: Restructure the Judicial Committee to create deputy chairs to manage individual due diligence rounds. 
    • OBJ 2: Engage with other diversity bars, CBA/CJI Coalition for Judicial Diversity, and court system diversity coordinator to continue (1) collection of demographic data about the bench, (2) mutually supporting diversity bars' judicial due diligence programs and promoting importance of results to Governor's Office, and (3) promoting efforts to make Judicial Nominating Commissions (JNCs) more diverse and educate JNCs on diversity, bias, and inclusion.
    • OBJ 3: Use data gathered on CWBA members serving on JNCs and commissions related to equity, diversity, and access to justice to set benchmark for increased representation in next iteration of strategic plan.
    • OBJ 4: Develop plan to communication JNC and relevant Supreme Court Commission vacancies to membership and recruit members to apply.

    Guiding information from the 2017 strategic analysis

    Top three reasons for participating:

    • Networking
    • Professional development
    • Camaraderie

    Top three resources you need to be successful:

    • Mentoring
    • Leadership training/coaching
    • Networking for business development

    Top 3 issues for women in the legal field:

    • Pay equity
    • Increasing women in leadership positions
    • Flexible work environment

    Top issues for Women in Colorado in general:

    • Pay equity
    • Healthcare/protection of reproductive rights


    “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations.”


    Colorado Women's Bar Association

    P.O. Box 1918

    Denver, CO 80201

    Telephone: (303) 831-1040


     SPRING 2024


    The Colorado Women's Bar Association is not a law firm and nothing on this site constitutes legal advice. 

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