COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES The CWBA Serves Our Community - Legal Services Opportunities
Colorado Legal Services: Legal Assistance to Low Income People Colorado Legal Services is a non-profit organization that has assist persons with low income and seniors in the state of Colorado. If you have a Housing, Consumer, Foreclosure, Bankruptcy, Public Benefits or an IRS tax issue between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. only, call 303-837-1321, wait for a few seconds and dial ext. 444. Metro Volunteer Lawyers Metro Volunteer Lawyers (MVL) is the pro bono program of the Denver Bar Association, providing civil legal services to those in need in Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, Elbert, Gilpin, and Jefferson counties. Anyone seeking legal assistance or acceptance into any of MVL’s programs must apply through Colorado Legal Services. Phone: (303) 830-8210 Bridge to Justice Bridge to Justice is a 501(c)(3) Colorado nonprofit organization that provides civil legal services to low- and moderate-income Coloradans who do not qualify for free legal aid. Phone: (303) 443-1038 | Email: Colorado Bar Association Appellate Pro Bono program: explanation and application FIND FREE LEGAL INFORMATION & CLINICS