Presented in partnership with ALIGHT, the Colorado Juvenile Defender Center, and the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar.
Human trafficking survivors are forced to suffer arrests and convictions as a result of being trafficked--and are then forced to live with the long-term impacts. Results from the National Survivor Network Member (NSNM) Survey reveal that 80% of survivors face barriers with employment and 50% of survivors face barriers with housing.
We can help.
On January 18, in honor of National Human Trafficking Month, the CWBA is partnering with ALIGHT (Alliance to Lead Impact In Global Human Trafficking), the CJDC (Colorado Juvenile Defender Coalition), and the CCDB (Colorado Criminal Defense Bar) to train attorneys on how to help human trafficking survivors (and others) seal records of convictions and expunge juvenile delinquency records so that they no longer present a barrier to gainful employment and housing.
Speakers include:
Registration is $25 for those who can take a case through CJDC or CCDB, $50 for those who cannot.
Net proceeds of funds raised from this event will be donated to ALIGHT to help with their mission of helping human trafficking victims.